My bag of water broke, now what? Put on a clean pad and notice... How much fluid is leaking Is there a color or odor? Call your midwife to inform of Time leaking started, amount, color and odor Your due…
What is Skin-to-Skin Care? Skin-to-Skin Care is an important way of caring for your baby. In most cases, it can and should be started right away after you give birth to your baby. Immediately after the delivery, you will place…
People are often frustrated either by weight gain or not being able to lose extra weight. Often they want a “quick fix” such as a pill to help them lose weight. The problem with using medications to lose weight is…
What birth control method is right for me? There is no one right birth control method. The best methods are ones that you can remember to use consistently. Other things to consider include: Is it convenient? Do I have to…
Healthy, physiologic birth means allowing your body to go through labor under its own innate power. It is the optimal functioning of childbirth, and is a safe process that includes labor, birth, and the first hour after birth for both…
There are a lot of myths about sex during pregnancy, but it is perfectly safe for women with healthy pregnancies. It will not harm the baby, and the baby does not know what’s going on! Unless your midwife or other…